Here is my start of a RasPi page - mainly this has links to the downloads for now, more soon
Guide for beginners on how to set up your SD card.
Modular Raspberry Pi Case on Thingiverse
Debian “squeeze”
If you’re just starting out, this is the image we recommend you use. It’s a reference root filesystem from Gray and Dom, containing LXDE, Midori, development tools and example source code for multimedia functions.
Arch Linux ARM
Arch Linux ARM is based on Arch Linux, which aims for simplicity and full control to the end user. Note that this distribution may not be suitable for beginners.
QtonPi is an Embedded Linux platform plus SDK optimized for developing and running Qt 5 Apps on Raspberry Pi. More information is available here.
Modular Raspberry Pi Case on Thingiverse
Debian “squeeze”
If you’re just starting out, this is the image we recommend you use. It’s a reference root filesystem from Gray and Dom, containing LXDE, Midori, development tools and example source code for multimedia functions.
Torrent | |
Direct download | |
SHA-1 | 1852df83a11ee7083ca0e5f3fb41f93ecc59b1c8 |
Default login | Username: pi Password: raspberry |
Arch Linux ARM is based on Arch Linux, which aims for simplicity and full control to the end user. Note that this distribution may not be suitable for beginners.
Torrent | |
Direct download | |
SHA-1 | b84d1eaba2ec64982da40ccd7dba06b186f69545 |
Default login | Username: root Password: root |
QtonPi is an Embedded Linux platform plus SDK optimized for developing and running Qt 5 Apps on Raspberry Pi. More information is available here.
Torrent | qtonpi-0.2.tar.bz2.torrent |
Direct download | qtonpi-0.2.tar.bz2 |
SHA-1 | 665b6ccf59ccbd4c38827f5554aa823302730a04 |
Default login | Username: root Password: rootme |
Thingiverse things for your RasPi:
Case one
Case two
Case one
Case two